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Protection GBV and Child Protection

Empowering Communities to Lead

The Community Care Program is a comprehensive program dedicated to creating healthier, safer, and more peaceful communities for women and girls. Through collaborative efforts with local communities, the program engages a diverse range of influential individuals known as Community Discussion Leaders (CDLs). These CDLs are carefully selected from various groups, including Elders and Traditional groups, Youth groups, TBA's groups, Women's groups, Service Providers groups, Education groups, Community committee members' groups, and Police and Security groups.

To ensure their effectiveness, the CDLs undergo an intensive 14-day training program focused on community care. Equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills, they actively facilitate dialogue sessions within their respective communities. These sessions promote positive social norms, dignity, advocate for equality, and nonviolence. By fostering lasting change through these engagements, the community care program strives to create an environment where all community members can thrive.