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Annual Report


WAAPO Impact Reflection Report - Empowering Children in school under SBC Project

Child act right - Somali version

WAAPO Annual Progress Report 2020 Caritas

Child Right Act Xeerka Ilaalinta Xuquuqda Caruurta

WAAPO Annual Protection Report 2023

CP and GBV SOP -Somaliland Review December 2015

WAAPO Annual Protection Report 2022 March

Gender-based Violence Survey Somaliland

WASH Progress Report - Integrated WAAPO UNICEF Emergence Project

National Gender Policy​

Emergence Progress Report Mid-term Sool

The Movement to End FGM in Somaliland - Preliminary Findings​

WAAPO Safe House Progress Report

WAAPO Strategic Document 2022 2024​

Annual Report UNICEF - Final Report 2021

Xeerka Nidaamka Garsoorka Caruurta

Safe House Report 2023

SBC Progress Report - Case Study Template by WAAPO October 2023

Community Care Progress Report 2022-2023

Upshift Progress Report

Somaliland-based LNGO that specializes in the areas of protection, social economic empowerment (livelihood), emergencies, youth innovation, and gender equality. The organization operates the only Safe house in Somaliland, which provides protection for women and children, as well as youth-friendly center for skill development, education, and business development.